Tuesday, January 27, 2009

"That's gay", let's eliminate it.

Sometime ago I started using the phrase "that's gay", to express that something was lacking. I wish I wouldn't have picked up this habit. I made this recognition after listening to Schaffer The Dark Lords song, The Way You Talk. I mean dissing someone's sexuality is the same kind of oppression I got from bullies from being a nerd, so fuck that. I don't know what to say instead of gay, so I am going to be saying "That's Boone Farms". I suggest people comment, on a better alternative as Boone's Farms has to many syllables.


Unknown said...

I used to get onto people for saying it, but now that I started hanging out with you more, I say it too.


I hope we can break this habit.

bsdpunk said...

That's boones farm.

Unknown said...

nope, still doesn't sound right.

bsdpunk said...

I kind of like that's straight

InfamousBytes said...

I actually already say "That's straight" sometimes ^-^

gourneau said...

Reminds me of this:

thanks npr! http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=99878812

caffeine said...

"That's harkonnen."

bsdpunk said...

First dune reference on the blog, million dollar bonus. @gourneau There's a graphic with the TNG font on that page. How about "That's vogon" or "that's dalek" or if I knew more about Babylon 5, "That's Walrus People"