Monday, February 11, 2008

How to Proxy Xchat with Tor on a eeePC

Tor is a proxy to keep you anonymous online.
Xchat is an irc client that let's you chat online.

Here is how to make them work together.

This is for eeePC's with eeeXubuntu. Install both Tor and xchat with either the synaptic package manager or apt-get. After that has been done run tor in a terminal window, if you get an error about how tor may be running twice you need to edit the config file. sudo vi /etc/tor/torrc
Change the port it uses from 9050 to 9051 (only do this if you are having problems). Open may have to connect without tor once to get to the settings. When you can hit settings then preferences, under network click network setup. Hostname should be and the port should be 9050 or 9051 if you had to change it. Choose SOCKS5 as your type, and choose Use proxy for: All connections.

If you get an odd error when you try to connect it is because someone behind the node you are exiting in tor has been using that node for naughty things, try disconnecting from tor and then connecting again.

EDIT The reason I had to change the port setting was because tor was already
EDIT started on the machine, if you make the change you will still be fine
EDIT sorry for the technical error.

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