Tuesday, February 12, 2008

True Crypt for n00bs.

The truecrypt install is straight foreword and similar to the install of most other applications. The first install screen will ask whether to install or extract, and the default which is install is fine. Again on the next page most likely the defaults are fine and then click install. It will ask if you want to see the release notes, click no. Then click finish. Now to open truecrypt. Double click on the true crypt icon on your desktop.

Click create volume. Now for this tutorial we will choose to create a file container then click next and then click create a standard true crypt volume.

Choose where to save your encrypted file volume. The default of AES and RIPEMD-160 are sufficient. You will need to remember what encryption scheme you used so either make a mental note or write it down. I like to make my truecrypt file 600 megs, so if I need to archive it or send it somewhere to be archived(like a lawyer), then it will fit on a cd.

Your password is important and you must remember it, it needs to be a strong password. Strong passwords are denoted by five characteristics. They need to have Upper Case and Lower Case letters and Symbols and numbers. Length is the other factor. Ie@Tpietw1ce@d4Y, is a strong password. You can use a key file if you want but it will complicate things if you want to use your encrypted file on another computer or if that keyfile is corrupted. As far as volume format the defaults are fine. Now to mount your file as a volume go to the main truecrypt screen.

Choose a drive letter like H: . Hit the select file button. Choose your file. Hit the mount button. You will be prompted for your password. Your file will be mounted as the h: drive and anything you put in it will be encrypted. Remember to dismount the drive with the dismount all button whenever you are not using it.

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