Tuesday, November 22, 2016

What's real sadness.

It's smoking butts from an ashtray, while cuddling under a blanket your dead grandma made you on the balcony, while you cry because your friend is dead. If you have 15 bucks, send it to https://www.facebook.com/malwina.bartulska.5?fref=ts [Malwina Bartulska] on facebook. If you have 20, send 15 to her, and 5 to me for makeamericamesh.org ( paypal.me/bsdpunk ). Or just send it all to her, that would for sure not hurt my feelings.Either way she could use some healing, and I need some money for my meshnet charity mission. But I'm not going to lie...the next 5 dollars I get goes towards a pack of fucking newports.

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